Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has general control and management of the property and business affairs of our organization.

The President, Vice President and Secretary are elected by a vote of the Active and Junior Members in good standing at the end of every year. Directors are appointed by the incoming President and approved by the outgoing board. All division reps and alternate division reps are voted on at the beginning of each season and serve a term of one season.

To learn more about these positions and what they do please refer to the SADA Bylaws which can be found in the sidebar under SADA Forms.


  • President
  • Herman Metcalf
    (912) 536-4308
  • Vice-President
  • Stephen Sweeney
    (843) 575-1012
  • Secretary
  • Karle Ansara-Milbaugh
    (740) 974-6678


  • Treasurer
  • Jeff Disk
    (912) 429-1146
  • Statistician
  • Michele Barras
    (912) 398-8869
  • Rules & Grievence
  • Corin Noonan
    (912) 212-6013
  • Membership
  • Robin Kelley
    (912) 373-2736
  • Hall of Fame
  • Teresa Bonifacio
    (912) 657-4150
  • Tourn Director
  • Jeff Miller Jr
    (912) 405-4845
  • ADO
  • Open
    (___) ___-____
  • Savannah Open
  • Open
    (___) ___-____
  • Savannah Charities
  • Open
    Not Available
  • Newsletter
  • Megan Miller
    (912) 306-5655
  • Public Relations
  • Open
    Not Available
  • Web Master
  • Herman Metcalf
    (912) 536-4308
  • Sunshine
  • Megan Miller
    (912) 306-5655

Division Reps

  • A Division
  • Teresa Bonifacio
    (912) 657-4150
  • B Division
  • Scott Reese
    (912) 663-0860
  • C Division
  • Sheila Reese
    (912) 552-5055
  • D Division
  • Joanie Scarpitti
    (912) 281-0592
  • E Division
  • Shannon Wiley
    (912) 414-6451

Other Postions

  • Scheduler
  • Corin Noonan
    (912) 212-6013
Contact SADA
Savannah Area Darting Association
PO Box 23553
Savannah, GA 31403
Follow us on Social Media